
A makam once used in Turkish Classical Music. No examples have survived to the present.


A köçek, a dancer.

Pây-Zen-i Sabâ

A compound makam once used in Turkish Classical Music. No examples have survived to the present.


A compound once used in Turkish Classical Music. No examples have survived to the present.


1. In Turkish Classical Music, the old name for the note nevâ.
2. A compound makam used in Turkish Classical Music. There are two types: Pençgâh-ı Asıl, and Pençgâh-ı Zâid. See Pençgâh-ı Asıl, and Pençgâh-ı Zâid

Pençgâh Pentachord (Pençgâh Beşlisi)

In Turkish Classical Music, five note scale pattern formed by adding a whole tone to the low end of the Râst tetrachord transposed to dügâh (La/A). Thus the pentachord is based on râst (Sol/G).

Pençgâh-ı Asıl

A compound makam used in Turkish Classical Music, formed by combining the makams Basit Isfahân (Bayâti), Nevâ, Râst and Acem'li Rast (Râst containing the note acem). It is descending-ascending in characger. Because of the Râst flavor its tonic is râst (G/Sol), and its dominant is nevâ (Re/D). Its suspended cadences are the flavors Uşşâk transposed to hüseynî (Mi/E), Bûselik on nevâ (Re/D), and Segâh and Ferahnâk on segâh (Si/B one koma flat - in its place), as well as the Segâh trichord, and the Pençgâh pentachord on râst (Sol/G).

Pençgâh-ı Irâk

A variation on the makam Pençgâh once used in Turkish Classical Music. No examples have survived to the present.

Pençgâh-ı Zâid

A compound makam used in Turkish Classical Music, formed by adding the Pençgâh pentachord on râst (Sol/G), or the Râst or Acem'li Râst scales on râst to the scale of the makam Isfahân. It is descending-ascending in character. Its tonic is râst (Sol/G), and its dominant is nevâ (Re/D). Its suspended cadences are the flavors Bûselik on nevâ (Re/D), Ferahnâk on segâh (Si/B one koma flat), Nişâbûr on bûselik (Si/B) and Uşşâk and Râst on dügâh (La/A), as well as the Segâh trichord on segâh and the Pençgâh pentachord on râst (Sol/G).


1. The names of the notes in terms of pitch.
2. A fret on a stringed instrument, which may be made of bone, gut, metal or nylon monofilament.
3. A term used in old edvârs on Turkish classical music for "makam."

Perr-i Zerrîn

A compound makam once used in Turkish Classical Music.


A compound makam used in Turkish Classical Music. It is formed by adding a portion of the scale or the entire pentachord of the makam Nişâbûr on bûselik (Si/B - in its place), and a portion of the scale of the makam Bûselik transposed to nevâ to the scale of the makam Râst or the Râst pentachord on râst (Sol/G - in its place). It is descending-ascending in character. Its tonic is râst (Sol/G), and its dominant is nevâ (Re/D). Its suspended cadences are the flavors Nişâbûr on bûselik (Si/B, Râst on dügâh (La/A), Pençgâh on râst (Sol/G - in its place), Segâh and Ferahnâk on segâh (Si/B one koma flat - in its place), Uşşâk on dügâh (La/A - in its place) Uşşâk and Hüseynî on hüseynî aşîrân (Mi/E) and Râst on yegâh (Re/D).


Low, in terms of register.

Pest Sekizli

A low octave.


1. An instrumental form in Turkish Classical Music. With the exception of a few basic usûls, they are always composed in the major usûls, and every section is called a hâne, after each of which comes the section called the mülâzime. Although according to some sources state that peşrevs may include up to 15 hânes, from the 16th century on the genre became fixed and is generally composed with four hânes.
2. An instrumental opening played by the duo of davul and zurna at wrestling competitions.

Peyk-i Neşât

A compound makam once used in Turkish Classical Music.

Peyk-i Safâ

A compound makam once used in Turkish Classical Music.

Pîşe (Bîşe)

An old type of ney with either seven or nine holes.


The combination of several different musical parts. In Europe, polyphony began to spread after being supported by the church. Traditional Turkish music contains a form of polyphony; however, this has nothing to do with that of Western music. After the founding of the Turkish Republic, a western-style polyphony known as "Modern Turkish Music" took form and recently, composers in this style have scored successes in the world sphere. Experiments in polyphony in other areas of Turkish music continue and have produced some original works.


See Bûselik.


A makam once used in Turkish Classical Music. No examples have survived to the present.